Energy and Environment

Energy, the engine of the industrial world, can truly change the lives of populations, from the transformation of foodstuffs to the conservation of biodegradable products, from the electricity that supports every production activity. Intelligent use of energy can truly change the face of a country: recovery of rainwater, recycling, and reuse of waste and plastics, glass, aluminum can become an economic wealth.
The energies from fossil fuels or renewable: photovoltaic and thermal, wind, hydraulic, and geothermal energy concern many projects in developing countries such as African states. For small private projects or large national centers, any construction or commercial project has the energy part to consider.
The companies producing systems for recycling can bring innovation, energy, or production projects and adhere to programs of international organizations or host nations, and export their products or machinery. Technical and professional training is another very interesting sector.
Thinking of a project that not only respects the environment, but that protects it or even brings benefits is possible. International organizations can support this type of argument. A supply chain starting from waste can be a new form of entrepreneurship for companies and machinery manufacturing companies and create a new business in developing countries.
L’estero e le esportazioni possono dare una seconda vita alle aziende italiane
Una buona strategia di internazionalizzazione può veramente cambiare le sorti delle nostre imprese.
Quindi esportare, trovare dei partner o fare delle joint-venture può allargare il mercato di ogni azienda.

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