
TechBusiness │Online Roundtable│ October 22, 2024
Technology is a very important tool for countries both for what concerns the foreign sales of machines and tools but also for the industrialization of developing ones.
Technology has supported the economic growth of Humanity over time and has facilitated their life and work, since the first discoveries such as the wheel, the lever, the gears to get to the most modern, creating jobs where Man uses more intellect than muscles.
Technology in communications
The technological evolution of the telecommunications sector has changed the way of working in the last 20 years. The arrival of smartphones, for example, allows us to communicate easier with apps such as WhatsApp (you can find us on WhatsApp Business here
Construction technology
Like many other sectors, the construction sector has had enormous advantages from new technologies that have made it possible to help work better, with greater safety, and with a better quality/price ratio of the buildings built.
Industrial technology
The industry is certainly the sector where technology has made great strides, as we can see in the multitude of industrial machinery models for both small and medium-sized enterprises: from tomato processing to vehicle construction and much more.
Go abroad and exports can give companies a second life
A good internationalization strategy can truly change the fate of companies.
So exporting, finding partners, or doing joint ventures can broaden the market for any company.

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