UP2gether is now offering and will continue to do so throughout 2025, free registration on Book|B&S and a 20% discount on advertising pages to all participants of the 33 stages of the Roadshow The C.I.N., which promotes both local territories and businesses, creating important connections between Italian companies and international ones.
Book|B&S thus becomes a reference point for Italian companies looking to expand their business internationally, with a platform dedicated to visibility and networking that will grow at each of the 33 stages we will present on Monday, November 25th.
Want to be in our Welcome Bag?
Contact us to find out how to sponsor
one or all of the 33 stages of the Roadshow!

Foreign markets and exports can give a second life to Italian companies.
A good internationalization strategy can truly change the fate of our companies.
Therefore, exporting, finding partners, or forming joint ventures can expand the market for any company.

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