“Export Specialist” or “Export Manager” are the high-sounding names that present today a profession that has always existed: the accompaniment of companies in their internationalization paths. 2020 brought an important acceleration in the use (and abuse) of digital tools, sometimes still little known.
I participated in the “Digital Export Academy” of ITA – Italian Trade Agency and Confindustria Lombardia, which I thank, because it is very important to always update the acquired knowledge.

Market research (Europe – Africa)
Knowing the customer’s product or service, analyzing the competition and the distribution process used by competitors, checking the laws, taxes and duties as well as any necessary certifications are the minimum information to carry out a market analysis that allows you to make decisions on actual criteria.
Sector Studies (Europe – Africa)
Having a precise and in-depth knowledge of the trends of the target markets allows the company to make a long-term strategy. An accurate sector study is therefore necessary to be able to present an accurate and bankable project.
Search for Importers
There are various solutions for the sale of products in foreign countries, one of which is Importers. It is a possible solution for products such as mechanical components and spare parts or cars. Choosing an importer without knowing the language, the specific international and local contracts in the sector can be dangerous for the company, so for contracts for example, it is better to be assisted by a lawyer who knows both realities.
Search for distributors
Distributors are usually organized by sector market: such as construction, agro-food, textile or industry. It is extremely important to check the contract with the reference laws of the countries of the parties and that of international conventions.
Are you a distributor? Fill out the form by clicking on the image below and let us know in which country you distribute, which products you are able to sell abroad and what kind of customers you are looking for.
Selection of foreign agents
The selection of the Agents requires, in addition to the knowledge of the seller’s language of origin, also the knowledge of the local laws where the agent will operate. Furthermore, it will be necessary to adapt the contracts to be used so that it is understandable to all parties and to prepare an appropriate price list together with the selected collaborators after an accurate market study.
Creation of a foreign sales network
A team of agents and distributors from the same country can make up a foreign sales network, for which it is very important to have a management structure: such as an Export Sales Direction for example.
Analysis of local foreign legislation by product type
Products may not be treated in the same way by the different legislatures present locally in other countries, therefore it is necessary to analyze taxes, duties, labeling and any other law that may affect a product before making decisions to sell abroad or create a productive unit.
Creation of brochures and foreign market presentations
Even brochures and presentations must be created first with the language spoken locally and then by adapting the promotional and sales material with all the information collected.
Organization of commercial missions and B2B business meetings
see International Relations
Welcoming delegations of international entrepreneurs (Europe – Africa)
see International Relations
Creation of websites and digital promotion
The digital communication of the company that intends to sell abroad must be specifically studied and translated into the languages required by the target markets following the analysis of the competition of the local and international market that it sells locally.
Creation of e-commerce sites
The creation of e-commerce websites to sell abroad requires in addition to the work that would be done for a website, also the deepening of the research done for sales with traditional channels, and the Laws for local and international online sales.
Technical topics require a specialized translation as well as a perfect knowledge of the target country language to avoid certain words that could be used for other purposes in the vocabulary.
Go abroad and exports can give companies a second life
A good internationalization strategy can truly change the fate of companies.
So exporting, finding partners or doing joint ventures can broaden the market for any company.

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